Monday, March 23, 2015



1. PLAYING CARDS - Everyone must have a deck of playing cards in their house.  I recommend Bee's Playing Cards.  I don't know why I've just always found them lucky.  Plus there freakn' Bee's!!!!! =D

They make parties fun and entertaining.  They're especially useful for drinking games ANDDDD they get people away from looking at their phones.  Plus you can do readings, magic tricks, or just plain old solitaire when you're all the lonesome.

2.  TWO TOWELS - If you're a woman I suggest you always have TWO towels.  One for your hair and one for your bod.  Guys you're more than welcome to this extra toweledge as well.

3.  HEADPHONES - not just for privacy. or to zone out, but to block out those noisy neighbors as well!  Also great to have on the go when there are no speakers attached to public computers. =(

And that's all I have so far.  Feel free to leave me comments on what you think are Household MUST HAVES as well.